LUNCH AND LEARN – TSP Mutual Fund Window

In June 2022, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board released a
mutual fund window for TSP participants. This means that there is now a
larger variety of investment choices available to investors within the TSP.
The TSP mutual fund window allows TSP participants to put some of their TSP
savings into mutual funds outside of the TSP. This option allows for more
investment flexibility that was not available to TSP participants prior to
this option opening. However, TSP participants must meet certain
eligibility requirements before investing in the mutual fund window.

Climate change affects our investments, including our TSP investments. Up
until 2022 there was nothing we could do to adjust our investments to
accommodate climate risk, but now the mutual fund window gives us a limited
opportunity. In the lunch and learn, we will talk about climate financial
risk, how to use the TSP mutual fund window, and we will share our advocacy
efforts to get the TSP board to increase window access and consider climate
financial risk in the core funds.

We are offering two opportunities to learn about the TSP mutual fund window.
*Please note, AFGE Council 238 is not providing financial advice. This
presentation is informational only and will be recorded.*


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Date & Time


07 Feb 2024 12:00 pm (CST)

21 Feb 2024 12:00 pm (CST)